Moving Forward 2021

It’s been awhile since I’ve written in this blog and have been stagnate but it is time to get moving again. I’ll be working on creating goals and vision of what I want in my life. These are just a few tasks to start with and more will be added as some will be completed or revised.

(1) Monthly hiking trips of 5 miles or more to different trails.

(2) Create a vision board and upload a photo of the board–which is a living board subjected to change and/or evolve.

(3) Self-care: aside from hiking, walking, and working out I want to also meditate! I’m not sure why but I have found it difficult to meditate daily. I’m going to try out different time such as early morning right when I wake up or at the end of the day before going to bed.

(4) Read at least 15 (preferably longer) every day for pleasure. I already read every day but it’s either for school, work, or general necessary information.

(5) One Pinterest posted in the “* To Try In 2021! board a month. The pins range from very quick and easy to complex tasks/items (cooking, DIY projects, home improvement/organizing, gardening, personal growth). This will help me stay busy and do things that I really want to do!

(6) Work on weight loss–again! Yes, again šŸ˜¦ I do not have a healthy relationship with food and tend to eat mindlessly without regard to portion size, caloric intake, or food type. I know what needs to be done but not applying those steps. I will be working on myself and what works best for me to get to a healthy weight and stop medication because of poor eating habits.

(7) Lastly (for now) is to journal at least weekly on updates on how I’m doing and what I’ve accomplished so far.

Researching Keto

About a month and a half ago my doctor had suggested the Ketogenic Diet. After reminding her that I am vegetarian she asked if I would consider eating meat–not likely! Thus, researching for this diet has been interesting and from what I’ve read so far it’s going to be an interesting challenge. I’ve got a HUGE sugar and carb addiction and truly love fruit.

I plan on reading and researching about this diet plan and post recipes that I’ve found and tried, also whether I’d eat them again. I will work daily/weekly at finding recipes and creating a menu and grocery list to make at least that part easier for me when meal planning. At the moment, it’s hard to come up with ideas of what I can eat without getting bored and then binge eat unhealthy foods.

I will also utilize the gym available at work which is free for employees. I’ve gone in twice to look around the gym and both times it’s been empty which is great for me because I don’t like to wait to use equipment.

I plan to get enough information so that I can start in a few days, June 1st to be exact.

Let the journey begin…

A Goal

I had seen a post in FaceBook (FB) and signed up for this today:


I had done the 5k everyday for the month of February. I did missĀ 3 days butĀ did extra milesĀ later in the week so that the miles would add up to same amount of miles by the end of the month. For this challenge the breakdown is 3.61 miles per day or 25.27 miles per week.Ā I will need to submit your mileage monthly as long as I stay up with the mileage I should be ok.